A forest and meadow (floristic) reserve located in the ice-marginal valley of the Narew River, in the Wieliszew commune, with an area of 18.58 ha. It is located about 2 km to the west. from Zegrze Poludniowe, on the shores of Lake Zegrzyński, but separated from it by flood embankments.
It was established by the order of the Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry of June 25, 1990. The protection covers diverse natural plant communities, with particular emphasis on orchid species. The reserve, also known as the “Orchid Grove”, is one of the richest orchid sites in the Masovian Voivodeship, but there are also dogwood, buckthorn and buckthorn, and there are also monumental oak trees.
The terrain is quite diverse: apart from riparian forests, there are also sand dunes, swamps and oxbow lakes. Many bird species have favorable nesting conditions here: firehouses, mallards, gray herons. tu wydmy piaszczyste, bagna, starorzecza. Dogodne warunki gniazdowania mają tu liczne gatunki ptaków: remizy, kaczki krzyżówki, czapla siwa.
Source: Jacek Szczepański „Powiat legionowski. Przewodnik subiektywny” Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki 2011