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Beata Bugaj-Tomaszewska, Małgorzata Drozd-Witek - malarstwo

Beata Bugaj-Tomaszewska, Małgorzata Drozd-Witek – painting

“Beata Bugaj-Tomaszewska, Małgorzata Drozd-Witek – painting
Laureates of the 2nd National Painting Competition “Moje Zakopane”
October 2-30, 2021

Exhibition curator: Lidia Rosińska-Podleśny

Opening: 1 października (piątek) 2021 o godz. 17:00
Due to the current restrictions related to the COVID-19 virus, the number of places is limited.

We cordially invite you to the Municipal Art Gallery to the exhibition of the winners of the 2nd Polish National Painting Competition “My Zakopane”. The presented exhibition allows you to show a wide range of creative possibilities and sources of aesthetic inspiration by two artists: Beata Bugaj-Tomaszewska and Małgorzata Drozd-Witek.

In 2019, both artists won ex aequo the Grand Prix of the Mayor of the City of Zakopane, Leszek Dorula, in the 2nd National Painting Competition “Moje Zakopane”.

Beata Bugaj-Tomaszewska – born on in 1977 in Staszów. She studied at the Faculty of Visual Education of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, in the Workshop Graphics Studio of prof. Tomasz Chojnacki and the Painting and Drawing Studio of prof. Roman Hałat. In 2002, she defended her MA with honors. Doctor of arts diploma – supervisor dr hab. Aleksandra Gieraga, prof. ASP. He works with painting and art therapy. Creates objects. The artist has taken part in numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

Małgorzata Drozd-Witek – born on in 1978 in Łańcut. She is a graduate of the Institute of Fine Arts at the University of Rzeszów. She obtained a diploma with honors in 2002 in the painting studio led by prof. Irena Popiołek-Rodzińska and at the same time in the graphic arts studio under the supervision of prof. Andrzej Pietsch. He works at the Department of Painting of his alma mater (currently ISP College of Humanities), teaching painting and drawing at
in the field of visual arts, graphics and for students of U3A UR – currently a professor of UR. She defended her doctorate in 2013 at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, obtained her habilitation in 2020 by a resolution of the Council for the Discipline of Fine Arts and Conservation of Works of Art of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He is actively involved in painting, drawing, and graphic arts. Illustrates volumes of poetry. She organized 17 individual exhibitions, took part in over 170 collective exhibitions nationwide and internationally, in Poland and abroad. His achievements include 19 awards and distinctions for artistic creativity.

Place: Municipal Art Gallery Władysław Count Zamoyski, ul. Krupówki 41, Zakopane, Poland

Start date and time: 2021-10-02 – 2021-10-30 from 10:00 to 17:00

For children: Yes

Ticketed event: No.

Organizer: Zakopiańskie Centrum Kultury, Miejska Galeria Sztuki

Website: http://galeria.zakopane.pl

E-mail: mgs@zck.com.pl

Phone: +48 18 20 127 92″

Źródło: https://www.zakopane.pl/inne/strefa-miejska/kalendarz-wydarzen/wydarzenia/2021-10/beata-bugaj-tomaszewska-malgorzata-drozd-witek-malarstwo

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